Tuesday, June 9, 2009

~How to Save on Food: Part 2~

Shop smart to save money on food. Bulk stores like Costco, The Real Canadian Wholesale Club and Superstore can help you to save money by buying in bulk. this is assuming that you have somewhere you can stock up on certain items like a pantry and a deep freezer then you can start saving.

We purchase about 90% of our dry goods from Costco. I calculate a cost per can/net weight to compare prices with my mainstream grocery store. If it is lower then I stock up there. This post will cover the method I used to learn my prices...I would post these numbers but prices are so regional that it isn't relevant.

I got to the point of knowing my prices after a few months of tracking the things I buy frequently using a sheet similar to this one:
Grocery Price Tracker It doesn't take long to do but the information is very valuable. Simply take it with you to the store, or use your till receipt when you get home and copy the info into the sheet. I also started tracking the best sale prices that I saw at my favorite local grocery stores as their sales tend to cycle and you can get the same price a few times a year.

Here is a worksheet that I came across on the web with seasonal sale prices for items and the best time of year to buy them. It is really helpful for planning bulk purchases! Seasonal Food Price Worksheet

Once you have the prices that you want, using this sheet:
Grocery Price Log you can compile a master list to carry with you, or help to plan your shopping trip. (A special thanks to www.momsbudget.com for the great sheets that I've linked to, they have a lot of great printables on their site!)

Once this legwork is done it is just a matter of smart shopping! Buy on sale, use your coupons to maximize the sales, and make your own when you can.

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