Sunday, March 29, 2009

~Coupon Trains~

Today's post is brought to you by Deb, the moderator at Canadian Coupons Exchange. I chose to contact Deb and have her write how to do a coupon train as I have done many trains with her and find her to be most organized and efficient at them. She has helped me to save a lot of money by getting coupons not available in my area!

A way to save more is to trade coupons with other people, and/or join Coupon Trains. I'm happy to share what I know about trains and I hope it will help you to save alot of loonies!

First, as Wanda has said before, save all coupons you come across. Grab enough for yourself and a couple extras every time you see coupons in stores.

At Canadian Coupons Exchange we do alot of trains with our members. We have lots of trains that are for coupons, but some are for stickers and fun things too! It's like having frugal pen pals all across Canada! So hopefully my explanation makes it easy for you to understand and you'll sign up to be part of our wonderful group!

A train is where a conductor (person who is starting a train) makes a list of about 5people (passengers). The conductor prepares an envelope, which holds many various coupons. When you receive this envelope you may choose any of the coupons you can use, and then replace these coupons with other coupons. Always include the same amount (or more) that you have taken out.

Each envelope contains the coupons in the train as well as a passenger list with all the passengers contact info on it. So if you are passenger # 1, you will then need to send the envelope to passenger #2 whose address you will find on this list.
At the end, the train goes back home to the conductor.

Once you have mailed the train on to the next passenger you go online and post to the group and to the conductor the details of the train. So for example you would put information regarding how much you took out in value for yourself, how much was removed because they had expired, how much you added in value and then who you sent it to and when. You can watch the message board for a posting saying that a train is on it's way to you! It can actually be fun to save!

Thanks to Deb for this great information! I hope you all learned more ideas to save with coupons today. I just wanted to add that there are many other sites that host coupon trains, I get trains from a few. It can get hard to keep track of what is coming and going though so I would advise to start slow! I hope you'll log on to Save a Loonie again and read about the next topic: Points Programs 101!!! Plus what do you think of my new header? My hubby surprised me with it tonight! He's so handy!!!


  1. Nice blog. Saw you at Keep it up!

  2. love your blog too! love the new header. i just did my frist train. it was lots of fun. i'll be hoping to join another one soon

  3. That sounds so fun! What a great idea.
